Omid Barat
Hello, welcome to my personal site!
Here you'll find my blog and whatever other content that I wish to present publicly. Enjoy your stay here, dear reader!
Check out my Posts at the top menu bar for some cool blog posts.
About Omid
Omid is a software developer with nearly a decade of experience building various kinds of systems from government health insurance websites, billing software for big utilities providers to backend software for banking applications. He is "at home" building event driven microservices that are cloud native. Omid is also a technology entheusiast and loves to explore emerging technologies and fully understand how it will impact society at large. Omid believes that one of the most important technologies that has been created in the last century (besides the internet itself) is Bitcoin.
About this site
This site is a throwback to the internet as (I think) it was intended. That means no ads, no tracking, no cookies, no monitoring, no surveilence (no spell check), no pop-ups, no sign-your-rights-away-banners, no bullshit. Just content from an individual presented to the entire world. Enjoy :)