
It will go up forever 🚀

5 minute read Published:

As we enter a new phase of the monetization of bitcoin, I thought it would be a great time to write another blog. Enjoy, dear readers! :)

Project Failures - Project From Hell

9 minute read Published:

Software engineering by dummies

NOTE: This blog post was originally posted on June 2008 on a now-deleted website. I just could not let this piece of art slip away into the void of internet history. I found it using the Wayback Machine and am going to host it here, unedited. It’s a great read and I hope you enjoy it!

Buy, Borrow, Die and other fun investing topics

6 minute read Published:

As Bitcoin seems to be hitting the bottom of this cycle’s rollercoaster ride and seemingly coasting sideways for the time being, I thought it would be a good time to recap some of my favorite ideas that relate to investing. These are ideas that I’ve used to build my conviction and plan my approach, hopefully they can be useful for you as well, dear readers.

Enjoy this random hodge-podge of ideas! :)

Robot, do my job.

3 minute read Published:

As of a few days ago, the extent of my interaction with artifical intelligence was telling Siri to set a timer for 7 minutes when I’m boiling eggs (that’s the exact amount of time for boiling eggs, and then immediately dunk them in ice water). Then ChatGPT was released. It totally blew my mind.

Bitcoin's Inevitable Bull Run

4 minute read Published:

The price of Bitcoin hit a new all time high of almost $20,000 USD yesterday. In this post I’ll make the case for why the upcoming bull run is inevitable.

9 Questions About Your Money

1 minute read Published:

Dear readers,

In these times of unprecedented money printing, I thought I would compile a list of questions to ask about your money. I use dollars in the questions, but they are all equally applicable to any money.

How to verify your purchase

5 minute read Published:

Steps on how to verify you got paid

You are selling an item to a stranger. You are willing to take quite a few payment methods, including bitcoin. The buyer wants to pay you with bitcoin. How can you verify that you actually got paid before you hand over your item? I try my best to answer in this blog.


5 minute read Published:

Coronavirus, money printers and what you can do
I write this amidst a pandemic! The Coronavirus from the wet markets of China has erupted into a massive pandemic. As of this writing, the official numbers are: 1,270,069 Confirmed cases 69,309 Deaths 259,810 Recovereries Because the lack of mass testing, these numbers are hard to trust. Since the disease can be asymptomatic, I think the actual cases are much higher. With many people not even knowing they are carrying the virus.

Lightning Network

2 minute read Published:


Over the past few months, I have been exploring the lightning network. It is a network that is built on the bitcoin network as a “second layer”. I would fail to explain lightning network since I’ve barely started on the long road of understanding it myself, but the briefest summary that captures the idea for me is that it is a routed payment channels network. I’ll leave it to others with good-er writing clarity to describe it clearly.

Bitcoin Whitepaper

1 minute read Published:

The paper that started it all
On Halloween of 2008, a paper was released that changed the world. The paper, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” is a high level blueprint of Bitcoin. High level because there is no 1 document or 1 source for all of Bitcoin’s rules. It is a decentralized network, so even having 1 source for the rules will add centralization - I plan to write more on this in another blog.