9 Questions About Your Money

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Dear readers,

In these times of unprecedented money printing, I thought I would compile a list of questions to ask about your money. I use dollars in the questions, but they are all equally applicable to any money.


  1. How many dollars are there currently?

  2. Who can print more dollars?

  3. By what means can more dollars be printed?

  4. How many total dollars can be printed?

  5. What is the average rate of the dollar printing?

  6. Who gets the dollars when they are printed?

  7. How many dollars will be printed today, next week and next year?

  8. What percentage of the total supply of dollars do I currently own?

  9. If I save a certain amount of dollars, what percentage of the total supply will I have?

These questions are very difficult, if not impossible, to answer for government monies because they are centrally controlled and managed. Replace dollars with bitcoins and the answer to each of the question is easily available.

Bitcoin is a better money because the monetary policy is not centrally controlled.