SUN 2018

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Scala Up North 2018

On September 28-29, I attended Scala Up North conference. It was held in a beautiful venue in Toronto with a good line up of speakers and interesting topics.

I haven’t worked with Scala in some time and it was a good opportunity to dive back in. There was presentations on big data, cool scala libraries, microservices and Akka. I enjoyed the presentations on how to migrate a monolithic application to microservices. I also liked the Akka presentations, but it was hard to grasp since it is a very difficult topic and requires a lot of hands-on time with the code. Jon Pretty’s talk about all the stuff coming in Scala 3 was interesting and his presentation of Fury was awesome.

I feel very motivated after this conference to do some Scala work. I would love to build a bitcoin application. Haven’t decided what it will do, but it will use some of these things. 👍

#SUN 2018